Supporting your child’s learning at home

Here’s a copy of today’s from our guided reading. Please watch this with your child and ask them questions about it. Ask them the following:

  • What was the purpose of the lesson?”
  • “What did you learn from it?”
  • “How will you take what you learned today and apply it to other readings you’ll be doing in class?”

Apoyando el aprendizaje de su niño en casa

He aquí una copia de hoy de nuestra lectura guiada. Mire por favor esto con su hijo/hija y hacerles preguntas acerca de ello.Preguntarles lo siguiente:

  • “¿Cuál fue el propósito de la lección?”
  • “¿Qué aprendiste de ello?”
  • “¿Cómo va a tomar lo que aprendió hoy y aplicarlo a otras lecturas que debe realizar en la clase?

Encouraging Failure!

I would like to share my thoughts on why failure is important. I’ll be sharing how failure is embraced within our classroom, yet also how important it is for the growth of our students. Reading the article “Embracing Failure: Building a Growth Mindset Through the Arts” it revealed that we don’t normally encourage our students to learn from their mistakes. Often times we want to see perfection immediately, rather than finding the “entry point” of where they are at with whatever academic subject. A lot of support that parents can do is to have full on conversations that make their child think of what went wrong and what they could do to make it better. I’d like to echo the techniques in embracing this from the Edutopia article:

  1. Teach Your Kids That It’s OK to Make Mistakes
    • Hearing the words that it’s okay to make a mistake will release the tension and pressure for failure. In all reality, encouraging your kids to make mistakes on something they’ve never tried will allow them want to take more risks. There is nothing like the comfort of knowing that the support system at home will be well received when they know that failure will not define who they are.
  2. Teach Your Kids to Take Risks
    • Taking risks allows opportunities for life lessons and even new ways to solve problems. Don’t just limit this to academics, but rather let this be the outlook on life. Ask your kids, “what risks have you taken this week that will help you become a better person?”
  3. Teach Your Kids to Appreciate Feedback
    • I remember as a child that it wasn’t so much the feedback that was given to me that would shut me down, rather it was how the feedback was communicated. Always be sure to encourage them in a setting that will allow them to feel secure and safe, and never upset or intimidated on what you’re sharing with them. This will allow them to be open to receiving and then giving feedback.
  4. Teach Your Kids How to Provide Critical Feedback
    • When giving feedback to your kids and encouraging them to do the same, teach them the sandwich method. “Praise, truth, and praise!” An example could be, “Sebastian, I love how you completed the five paragraphs that were required, however look at capitalizing all the nouns that are needed in your writing…however, it’s still a great start to what you’re completing.”
  5. Give Your Kids Opportunities to Provide Critical Feedback
    • One of the ways I love to encourage this is give students an opportunity to share their thoughts on this blog, as well as share what their peers could be improving on. That’s the purpose of this blog, to write and encourage each other to become better writers. At home start with something simple, “How did you like dinner…and be honest? Too much salt or not enough?” Feedback can be as simple as that when as your kids to give you support.

These are just little pieces of advice in allowing my students and your kids to grow as a whole, while becoming the best they can be for our future tomorrow!

Mr. Garcia



Dear Parents,

I wanted to take the time to introduce myself and thank you for this opportunity to finish off the year as your child’s teacher. My name is Mr. Garcia and I am excited to be here and excited to partner with you for your child’s education. I will only have your child for a short time so I want to make a contribution that will last a lifetime. I know my teaching must begin with making children feel safe and comfortable to come to the classroom, as well as helping all the children come together into a learning community. This community is made up of unique individuals, each with his or her own learning style, interests, history, hopes, and dreams.  I look forward to a wonderful partnership in your child’s education.

Please do not hesitate to contact me through Class Dojo, email, or calling the school at 619-420-7071.


Mr. Garcia

Queridos padres,

Yo quería tomar el tiempo para presentarme y darle las gracias por esta oportunidad de terminar el año como maestro de su hijo/hija. Mi nombre es Maestro García y estoy emocionado de estar aquí. Sólo voy a tener a su hijo/hija por un corto tiempo, así que quiero hacer una contribución que va a durar toda la vida. Sé que mi enseñanza debe comenzar con lo que los niños se sientan comfortables y cómodos cuando vengan a la escuela, así como ayudar a todos los niños se reúnen en una comunidad de aprender. Esta comunidad está compuesta por individuos especiales, cada uno con su propio estilo de aprendizaje, intereses, historia, esperanzas y sueños.  Espero una colaboración maravillosa en la educación de su hijo.

Por favor, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo a través de Class Dojo, correo electrónico o llamando a la escuela al 619-420-7071.


Maestro García